Transition Planning

2017 Graduates Aging Out of School System

New Jersey Division of Developmental Disabilities (DDD)-

Provides public funding for services and supports that assist adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities (I/DD) age 21 and older to live as independently as possible.

DDD Employment Decision Tree

New Jersey Division of Vocational Rehabilitation Services (DVRS)

Provides services that enable individuals with disabilities to find jobs or keep their existing jobs.

  • River Dell School District will make the initial referral for your son/daughter during Junior year. Parent/ Guardian and student need to follow up by attending the initial eligibility meeting with a case worker.
  • DVRS will have the student take a Career Scope Inventory Assessment (approx 2 hrs long)
  • DVRS can provide career counseling and guidance while the student is still in high school to assist with transition planning.
  • The Juniors and Seniors in the Transition Program will attend a CBI lesson at the DVRS center in Bergen County to meet their assigned case worker.


DDD Employment Decision Tree

NJ Transit Access Link

The public transportation system offers ADA compliant para-transit service to individuals who are unable to use local bus service as a result of their disability.

  • All persons interested in applying for Access Link service are required to attend an in-person transportation assessment interview.
  • To arrange for a transportation assessment appointment, please contact NJ TRANSIT by dialing 1-800-955-2321 between the hours of 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday. (Choose the "not a certified Access Link rider" option to speak with a Certification Assistant.)
  • Please let Mrs. Welch (201-599-7244) or myself (201-599-7229) know your appointment date and time. One of us will meet you at the appointment and assist with the process.


If you have any questions or concerns please contact your student's case manager.

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